Hey, it has been a long time. I have had different ideas with the website and the overall direction it was aheaded, this website has been scraped and redone twice already.
I am hoping to finish soon. Well at least organizing the website to where I want it. I work on this magazine in my spare time, what can I say I am a busy person. There is a lot of work already backlogged and I am hoping to involve more people in the future. Here we talk about stories that are too hidden from the public. Simple message, what is your story?
Email us any work you may want to be featured in the future at storytimesmagazine@yahoo.com
Hello, we are still under construction. Current status: working on Html sorting and cleaning up the website. Email us at: storytimesmagazine@yahoo.com if you have any questions, thank you.
Website constuction has begun
31 MARCH 2024
10 MAY 2023